Well, well, well. I have been cruising past my favorite blogs and notice there is an alarming trend going on out there. Either everyone is fibbing in hopes of getting on the nice list next year or my life just sucks. There seem to have been quite a few (gasp!) Happy Holidays this season.
Really? Were they really happy or are you just doped up on candy canes and sugar plums?
My holiday was not one of the worst I have had in my life, but it was far from the best. Honestly, I thought I had finally broken the curse of Christmas angst last year. Guess I was wrong.
Since, there were some financial issues; I shopped Tuesday evening after work. Wednesday, I had my spine injections. Count me out most of the day. Now we can get to the Drama.
Wednesday evening, despite promises to, Big B refused to take the family to see the Gift of Lights @ Sunset Park. I couldn’t take the kids due to the anesthesia given earlier in the day, I could not drive. Also, Big B informed me he wanted to take the daughter out of town for the weekend to bond like he did with our son the previous weekend. He wanted to leave Friday afternoon. Santa was scheduled to come Saturday, since it is a 24/7 town, he makes special arrangements for working parents. Lots of tears and umm discussion over this. Ultimately, I left it up to Little Miss and Big B to work out a schedule. I figured the less I said the better off it would be. Turns out that was a good plan.
Thursday morning we were up and out early. This was my first time ever—A) cooking a Christmas meal; B) cooking for more than 4 people; C) cooking at my Sis-In-Law’s; D) making some of my mom’s traditional holiday favorites. (Big B knew how big of a deal this was for me. I've been in the family almost 14 years and never been asked to cook before)
The cooking and cleaning went great. I was so excited to make this for the family. We had Turkey, Ham, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans w/onion and bacon, Corn, Sweet Potato Casserole, Cornbread, Rolls, Cornbread Stuffing, Ambrosia Salad, and Marie Callendar’s Pie for dessert. It was delicious. It only took a half dozen calls for advice or so. (Dishes I made)
During the entire day, which everyone knew how important it was to me, Big B never called once. Sometime during the evening, his sis and the boy both called him and he never answered. We got home at 9 pm or so, and he was there. Honestly, on the way home, I was a little worried, 15 hours and not one word on Christmas Eve. Really?
Friday, we had plans to spend with friends since Big B had to work. Little Miss wanted to stay home with daddy where he wouldn’t be alone. I had to lay down the law. It is Big B’s choice to stay home. You are a child and I expect you to attend, I RSVP’d as a family. You will go.
I left their house feeling overwhelmed and sad. **more on this later**
Saturday morning, Santa came. It was very nice. Big B and Little Miss took off around noon. Mr. Man and I cleaned. Then we had dinner and a movie out.
I have to admit I am so freaking tired of being a single mom every single holiday or birthday. It is very old. Even in a room full of loved ones, I am lonely.